Type 1 diabetes
Type 2 diabetes
Gestational (pregnancy) diabetes
Whether you are a newly diagnosed diabetic or a long term diabetic having difficulty controlling your blood glucose, your health will benefit greatly by understanding the influence food has on your blood glucose levels. During a 1 hour consultation, your current eating pattern and food choices will be evaluated, guidelines for diabetic eating will be discussed and an individualised meal plan will be provided after the session. If you need to lose weight, that will be included in the guidelines and meal plan.
It is highly recommended that you have a 30 minute follow-up consultation to provide opportunity for feedback after changing your diet and to teach you other lifestyle modification (including movement/exercise guidelines, restaurant guidelines and meal planning) to reduce your risk of developing complications due to uncontrolled blood glucose.
I have completed specialised in-depth training in diabetes, which enables me to understand and explain your blood values, medication prescribed by your doctor and the guidelines for avoiding serious complications due to uncontrolled blood glucose.